DISCLAIMER : Sorry to say although I have written this passage in the first person ,I am far away from such a sage like personality as shown in the passage and trust me grooming one's personality takes a lifetime but we can always learn from example and that’s what I have done while writing this piece .I have experienced this personality growth by observing my elders and quite a few stalwarts. Truth be told I am not always able to practice it in real life but I hope this helps all my readers so that we all can grow together .

“What we think, we become.” – Buddha

One’s personality doesn’t grow overnight, nor does it change a person overnight . This is something that has been experienced by me and everyone through a long and tedious process of growing up.You develop your personality by adapting to the needs of your surrounding and the people around you.Sometimes the world changes your personality and sometimes you change your personality according to the world.

Speaking from personal experience ,it took me years to achieve the calm and steadfast personality that I have today.As I grew older and starting seeing the world in a different outlook,in a different light –I had to adapt to a different;a more matured personality.Your personality is reflected in your entire appearance .As a child ,we don’t put much emphasize on how we speak,how we dress and most importantly how people will react to our personalities.As I became mature enough I realised my personality is important to get me out of tough situations and also to get me into the good books of people. I moulded my personality through various life experiences and honestly so does everyone.Once you realise your mistakes you tend to mend it which is similar to one’s personality ,you develop the parts of it that needs mending.My character development and personality development went hand to hand and has helped me become a better person today.

I am going to make a very personal comment here that one should always be themselves but this is something we are going to talk in details later and yeah we aren't done talking about tuning one's personality just yet because it's such a vast ocean of a concept .But that's all for another piece ,do let me know your thoughts about this in the comments.

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